Sunday, June 21, 2009

Successful Knitting Projects!

I've had an eventful weekend knitting wise. I want to share the fruits of my labor.

This first one has been done for a few weeks. I found the pattern when The Boy's parents were down here for Thanksgiving last year. I saw this awesome pattern in a book in a magazine and after searching my LYS (Local Yarn Store) and various big box retailers...finally found it. Find out more about the book, Knock Down Knits, it's full of knitting projects for Roller Derby Girls (we knitters are an eclectic bunch.) Check out the book here. It's not as small as it should be because the yellow yarn was chemically treated to keep it bright and so did not felt as much as it should of. I'm going to try again with some darker colors and will post a picture of that one when it's done.

Since The Boy and I got our Wii we have a pleathra of controllers and remotes. I found a great pattern in this book for felted boxes and set to work (after making sure that the yarn chosen would felt.) I found the pattern in this book. I love the authors of this one. I emailed Kay with some questions about the boxes and she got right back to me with very helpful advice. They have a great blog; Mason Dixon Knitting. I made them up and felted them by boiling them in our lobster pot. I was a little worried about getting them to keep their square shape but The Boy came to the rescue. Here is how un square they were before felting:

Here is how The Boy solved the problem. He's such a smart one! They will probably take a few days to dry, but I can't wait to put things in them.

I've also been working on another pattern from the authors of Mason Dixon Knitting, from their second book. I'm also working on some wipers to match but haven't perfected that pattern yet. Here are the dishcloths that I made for our kitchen. I've made some other pairs for friends and family. This pattern is really easy and it makes dishcloths more exciting and pretty to look at in the kitchen. The one on the left is longer because it is wet. Dry, they are the same length. I promise.

This next pattern I got from one of my oldest (and best) knitting books called Stitch and Bitch Nation. I loved it because it looks like something out of the 1950's. I wear it as both a headband and a necklace.


  1. I think John has that Stitch and Bitch book. I wish I had the patience for it! That stuff is awesome, good job! :)

  2. I love them all but especially the boxes! :) I really need to get back to my crochet. And I want to knit soo badly, but it will have to wait until I have money for needles... alas! :)

  3. The Stitch and Bitch books are great - they circ like crazy here the library. I have so many patterns I want to try, so little time . . .
