When I started this blog one of things I read was to stick to your topic. My topic; teaching and learning in a nutshell. I will try my best to follow this rule. However, since its summer, other things are going to creep in. Starting with Video Games!
The Boy and I bought each other a Wii for our respective birthdays. We had thought about getting one for awhile and this month when we both realized we both still wanted one, we went for it. Wii sports came with it and we bought Mario Party 8 as well. I'm open for suggestions for other great games as I've been out of the gaming world for a really long time. (As in since 1998 when I fell in love with Spyro the Dragon!) Though I do dabble in the world of Spore every once in awhile these days.

When I was a kid, my brother and I spent a lot of time at the Hinsdale Youth Center. Not sure what that place looks like now but when we used to spend our time in the building there was a pool room, (like billards, not swimming) a game room with free arcade games and nintendos and a gym upstairs where you could play organized games.
In the game room there were about seven nintendos with an assortment of games that kids could play. There was always a line and whenever you "died" and you had to give your spot up to whoever was waiting. The kids like my brother, born to be gamers, were in there the whole day. I would try to play every once in awhile, but mostly hung in out in the gym and pool room.
When I did get to play Nintendo at the HYC, on slow days, I loved playing Super Mario Bros 3. Sometimes my brother would come over and give me tips and show me shortcuts, but mostly it was just me playing those first world levels over and over. With The Hack we can play Super Mario Bros 3.
I was playing by myself yesterday while The Boy was at work and had a good laugh. I couldn't believe how much I remembered from those first two levels. Also funny is how different it is to play as an adult.
TV: At the age of nine I played on old TVs (even old for that time) where you pulled a button out to turn the TV on and spun it for the volume. At the age of 26, I play on a beautifully large flat screen TV with a remote!
Volume: At the age of nine, at the HYC you either had to keep your TV on mute or very low so that it didn't distract the kids playing next to you. At the age of 26, I'm in my own house and so can play it as loud as I damn well please. It's extra fun that way.
Seating: At the age of nine I played on school chairs, plastic and easy to clean, but very uncomfortable after about 20 minutes. (This is why I make my students move around all day.) At the age of 26, I sit on The Boy's big blue cushy couch. I can even lean back and use the head rest.
Controller: At the age of nine, the controllers were sticky after months of being in use, I learned to hit the button a split second before I actually had to. I had to sit really close to the TV because the cord connecting the controller to the TV wasn't very long. At the age of 26, not only are controllers unsticky, they are also wireless!
Snacks: At the age of nine, I used to buy a bag of chips or M & Ms and sit there munching while I played. At the age of 26, I have my own kitchen and food stash. Before playing yesterday, I chopped up the whole melon we got in our CSA (community supported agriculture) box and munched in between moments of death (which there were many because now with unsticky controllers I'm always hitting the button too early) and reloading.
Play time: At the age of nine, I usually had other nine year old boys breathing down my neck while I was playing, waiting for their turn. (No wonder I played so badly.) At the age of 26, I can play when I want. (And its sexy when The Boy breathes down my neck!)
I teach Sunday school to kindergarteners, and today we were talking about coveting things. Several of the kids mentioned wanting DS's, and I asked, "Do you think you'll still want a DS when you're grown up?" They all said, "YES!" and I had to explain to them that the gaming system I had when I was their age is junk now...as will be the DS when they grow up. They didn't seem to get it...