Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ho Hum

The Boy's bachelor party was last night and continues today, he spent the day playing golf and shooting guns with his college friends, two of whom will be married next year. Tonight is a fancy dinner with a cell phone moratorium (at least on calls from "the womanfolk" as we girlfriends have been termed) for the rest of the evening. I love it. I love that they have put so much thought in to the planning and flawless execution of this weekend. Like my best college girlfriends, they rarely get to see each other

Meanwhile, I have decided that today is a movie marathon with...myself! I got up later than usual and began with the three Shrek movies. After that I put in Bridget Jones, will watch the sequel after that and then begin the Pirates movies. I also gave myself a manicure; green nail polish with little pink dots.

Also must clean house.


  1. HIS bachelor party, or someone else's? Have you not been telling me things?? ;) <3 you and your green nails!

  2. Lol. Yeah, I read that sentence over myself after I posted! Believe me Aud, you'll be one of the first to know!

  3. lol. I figured as much!! Still, had to check. ;) <3
