*I rarely use the word "hate." My parents taught me as a young girl that I was only to hate war. As you read the following, I hope you will find my use of the word justified.
The Boy's parents are trying their dog darnest to buy this house to retire in. Beautiful huh? The best part is that they want The Boy and I to live in it for the five years that The Boy is working on his PhD in Computer Science here at the University of New Mexico. We began our house search after this past Thanksgiving. We saw a ton of bad places. But we all really like this one and they have been in the process of buying it since the middle of March. Wells Fargo gave them a really great interest rate and we were set to close on the 17th of April.
This was also extra exciting for us because the lease on our very old, not very well kept up pueblo style duplex would run out at the end of April. Perfect we thought. As the date got closer, The Boy and I slowly began to pack up our belongings. Bit by bit boxes piled up. Bit by bit Wells Fargo starting dropping the ball. It started with simple things; not asking for everything they needed from Ben and his family, not calling back...well ever, etc. It was frustrating but we figured would all be over soon enough.
Fast forward to the 16th of April. We found out that Wells Fargo, unbeknownst to us had decided to restructure the loan so that it only be in The Boy's parents' names. The Boy's name was to be on it so he could build credit and so that when we left La Pasa we would have a down payment squirreled away for the next place. (That First Time Homebuyers tax credit from Uncle Sam was also an incentive.) But it was decided to just get it over with and we would figure out what to do with The Boy after all was said and done. The restructuring meant that we would no longer be able to close on time. We were disappointed and angry but thankful that the Sellers didn't mind too terribly as this is the first offer they have had on the house. (It was finished in early 2008.)
New closing was set for the 22nd at four. Which meant that I had to fly home from work in order to get The Boy and make it to the Title Company in time. So, I left Alma De La Rosa about eight minutes early (I hate doing that, because inevitably tomorrow someone is going to say they were looking for me two minutes after I left.) Arrived home and The Boy said, "Well, sit down and make yourself comfortable, we aren't closing today either." I thought he was joking, but no. Not at all. It seems one of the underwriter's had a question that had never been answered and so the papers were not sent down here from Wyoming. I'm not sure anger is a strong enough word. We are so frustrated...living out of boxes these last few weeks and not to mention the fact that our lease really is up on the 30th. Homeless...lovely...exactly what I thought I would be at 26th.
In other exciting news after taking a reading test (I placed "College Reading Level" to which The Boy replied "What? Not Graduate Reading Level...you must be getting rusty!" hehe...such humor!) this morning, I am registered to take a clase de Espanol at the community college this summer. The Boy also did some research for me and discovered that if I pay a little more and go to the University of New Mexico, I can take Espanol Uno y Espanol Dos! Ole!
Also as a funny, check out this link as it shows how close we will be to our favorite sushi restaurant as compared to where we live now...well you know...once we actually get to move in.
Also Cheers to The Boy and I as today marks two years of being together! I'm a lucky girl!
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